
It’s Happened … a Gull Moment!

When I set up this blog a few years ago, I thought I’d be smart and come up with a cute wordplay for the title, thinking that I might even produce a book with this name (using the better material) one fine day . . .

So, the popular phrase ‘Never a Dull Moment’ inspired ‘Never a Gull Moment’ (this being a blog about birds) and I even had this to say in my intro: “I have watched birds on six continents, but have yet to have a memorable moment with a gull of any kind. . . .”

Well, in the midst of a wild storm that battered this southern tip of Africa these past few days, I clearly wasn’t paying attention, and I actually had a gull moment!

Kelp Gulls feeding on mussels ripped up by the huge waves, Kwaaiwater Beach, Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa.

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